Thursday, April 18, 2024

How WebVeta can be a game-changer for enhancing user experience and improving site navigation?

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Having an advanced search engine for your websites is a game-changer for enhancing user experience and improving site navigation. 

Sign up now! First 50 customers, who sign-up prior to 15/05/2024 get unlimited access to existing features, newer premium features for at least 1 year.

Elevate Your Website:

In the digital age, the ability to quickly find information is paramount. That's where an advanced search engine comes into play. It's not just about having a search function; it's about delivering precise, relevant results that keep users engaged and satisfied.

Why You Need WebVeta?

User Experience: A search engine is the heart of your website's navigation. It guides users through your content, leading them to the information they seek with ease and precision.

Increased Engagement: By providing fast, accurate search results, users are more likely to stay on your site longer, reducing bounce rates and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Content Discovery: An advanced search engine helps users discover content they might not have found otherwise, increasing the visibility of your offerings.

And much much more in the next few months...

Implementing Your Search Engine:

Ease of Integration: Embedding the search engine into your website is straightforward. With just 2 - 3 lines of HTML code, no SDK’s, you can enhance your site's functionality.

Scalability: As your content grows, the search engine scales with you, ensuring that users can always find what they're looking for.

Security: Keep your data secure with robust security measures, ensuring that your search engine is safe from vulnerabilities.

WebVeta is not just a tool; it's a necessity for any modern website. It empowers users, and ultimately contributes to the success of your online presence.

Ready to upgrade your site's search capabilities? Explore the possibilities and take the first step towards a better user experience today.

What are you waiting for? 

Sign up now! First 50 customers, who sign-up prior to 15/05/2024 get unlimited access to existing features, newer premium features for at least 1 year.

I thank Microsoft for Startup Founders, NASSCOM 10000  virtual incubation.

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Update for WebVeta on April 15th and more features by month end!

 WebVeta gets a feature update on 15th of April. This feature uses some NLP (Natural Language Processing) features i.e A.I based feature. The front-end for the A.I based feature i.e management of the feature through the portal, A.I feature based update in the search results would be updated prior to month-end.

The planned A.I feature can be considered a premium feature, but offered for free for people who sign-up soon. A lighter and less accurate version might be introduced later in the free tier. 

First 50 customers, who sign-up prior to 15/05/2024 get unlimited access to existing features, newer features for at least 1 year.

I thank Microsoft for Startup Founders, NASSCOM 10000  virtual incubation.

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

Monday, March 18, 2024

Got Accepted into Level 3 of Microsoft for Startup Founders! Thank you! Sincere Gratitude Microsoft!

My startup's SaaS product WebVeta has been accepted into the Phase 3 of Microsoft for Startup Founders. The first 2 stages are Ideate, Develop. The 3rd stage - Grow!

Thank you Microsoft!

Live video soon -

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

WebVeta Production has been launched!

Cross post -   

I am Mr. Kanti Arumilli, Founder & CEO of ALight Technology And Services Limited (U.K) ALight Technologies USA Inc (U.S.A). I am happy to announce my own handwork for the past 11+ months has been released into production. So many troubles from technical standpoint, from cyber-terrorists and espionage.

    Production can be accessed from - The application currently runs on 2 servers in Azure, but the application has been designed for horizontal and vertical scalability. Need to add some observability but the application is definitely stable. Here is yesterdays live video.

I took this application as personal challenge and this application has increased my knowledge and skills in several areas Product planning, management, technical architecture, development etc...

Cyber-terrorists / sl*ts / p*mps / identity distorters / identity thieves have tried hard to frame me using invisible spying drones i.e some sl*ts have tried to create stories of virtual affairs etc... In simpler terms, some sl*ts have did some shady / shadowy things and got illegal money, they have used bank accounts on other people's names - vu, is, o, okay, eka etc... Here is the funniest thing, some sl*ts tried to steal my identity and assets by creating some identities using my first name Kanti and created stories of working undacova, RAW missions, marrying some person "O" etc... There is absolutely no truth in any of those stories - they violated privacy, shadowed, stalked etc... People who grew up without any values and morals would do anything for few bucks - even if illegal, the illegal spying equipment people are like that i.e people who dont have morals or values and of not proper upbringing. What type of families might they be? Who would create propaganda of having affairs etc... and that too with married men?

In the future, there are going to be several updates. Here is a live video on 15th at 19:15 India time.

This blog -, the official startup website -, apart from, my personal social media i.e would be used for announcements.

I would like to see some people using the product and gaining traction. The first few customers would have free access to all features without any restrictions or limitations for at least 1 year.

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

Thursday, February 29, 2024

WebVeta beta, minimal viable product, launched, needs little bit more work - early signups - free

       WebVeta beta, minimal viable version, has been launched on 29/02/2024. Compared with 04/07/2023 launch, there are no major visible features. The effort has been in securing servers, securing access to servers and scalable architecture. The previous version was scalable i.e can handle few million clients. The current architecture can handle 1000s of times more than the previous architecture. However, this architecture has introduced some operational complexity but that's something that can be handled - I like challenges (challenges that make sense, rather than stupid non-sense challenges)

    Meanwhile India's R&AWMAAfia + Diplomats are busy enacting mafia and identity distortion by violating privacy, violating human rights, using invisible spying drones for hacking, identity distortion, identity theft, defamation etc... - just some left bottom beggars with false prestige, false ego doing scams for whatever reasons. I heard of some supposedly super popular LINE group of criminals - criminals because even in their own stories - they are criminals - benaamis are crime in India but they created benaami stories i.e they are stealing several people's assets and creating benaami stories - if they are accepting smaller crime, how big is the actual crime? BTW, the LINE liars group consists of lawyers and police and they don't know benaamis are crime? Probably they bribed for getting into jobs! Heard stories of people bribing for jobs in key positions. And some poor sl*ts have created O stories for stealing assets i.e the poor, desperate sl*ts and p*mps targeted the rich, distorted identities and trying to steal - even eunichs are used for cover-up! And few other p*mps and sl*ts have false sense of commanding but in reality, they are just auto-complete features. ChatGPT much more powerful than the miniscule brains auto-complete feature false ego.

    The first few signups of WebVeta would have free access to premium features for a period of at least 1 year. For most small and medium sized websites the free tier should be enough i.e most websites have less than 100 pages and free tier offering would be much more than 100 pages. 

    Over the next few months, several features would be added. I can promise at least 1 medium or big feature every 15 days or less. 

Anyway the spying equipment is in the hands of some shameless people with low self-esteem, low values, low morale, peeping perverts -

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

How WebVeta can be a game-changer for enhancing user experience and improving site navigation?

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