Friday, July 26, 2024

WebVeta update 27/07/2024 has a concept known as building in public and making announcements in public every week for self-accountability.


What I did in the past 1 week?

-        Attended DeepTech Entrepreneurship sessions in IIT, Hyderabad (4 days). (DeepTech Entrepreneurship Programme at IIT Hyderabad and regarding WebVeta!)


-        Met several founders of startups in various stages i.e planning (1), developing, launched mvp, revenue generating (4).


Plans for next 1 – 2 weeks:

Due to the full-day conferences and traveling to Hyderabad, my SaaS product development was paused for 5 days.

I am in the middle of developing some nice features for a closed private preview. Planning to implement those in production in the next 1 – 2 weeks.

GA of closed preview features in 4 – 5 weeks.

Some of the startup curriculum from

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

+44-33-3303-1284 (Preferred number if calling from U.K, No WhatsApp)  

DeepTech Entrepreneurship Programme at IIT Hyderabad and regarding WebVeta!


The past few days I have been in Hyderabad and now I came back to Vizag!

I have attended in person sessions for 4 days at IIT Hyderabad for DeepTech Entrepreneurship. Great opportunity to learn and meet several people. The sessions covered some very useful topics and the sessions were informative. Few people who had their own startups met and talked about their products. I personally thank IIT faculty of Hyderabad: Sumita Thakur, Jayshree Patnaik, Nakul, Rajesh and several others.

It’s great opportunity for meeting other people who are in various stages of entrepreneurship.

IIT, Hyderabad has incumbators, I spoke with few people and mentioned, I have submitted an application and discussed regarding my startup’s SaaS product WebVeta.

Apart from the conference, I met some of my school friends (1996) and some of my other friends.


WebVeta development continues and as mentioned in earlier blog posts, few nicer features are planned and the current closed preview features are going to be generally available.

On a different note, NATWEST Accelerator U.K said the participants must be inside U.K for the entire duration,  I might NOT attend NATWEST Accelerator U.K


I thank and my humble gratitude for Microsoft for Startups, NASSCOM 10000,


The same invisible spying equipment psychopests who were harassing me while I was pursuing MBA at Hult were messing up even in IIT. I think the invisible spying equipment Sly LINE group are hackers, shadows, stalkers and they frame others, they do identity distortion and identity theft. They are just some kind of dacoits. How can there be multiple people on same identity, same DOB, same permanent address? The other people are stalkers, violating privacy. They say “covers” / “athukulu” i.e they show other people’s purchases and probably mix-in of whatever shady sources of their money or just for framing people with heinous intentions of identity distortion and identity theft.

Anyway whatever “eye witness testimony” that has something to do with me or my identity or my spouse’s identity was either mis-represented or someone lied under oath and that’s the grand cover-up. The way they are trying to cover up by harassing, framing other people can be considered as extremism and should be considered as mafia i.e organized crime and cyber terrorism.

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

+44-33-3303-1284 (Preferred number if calling from U.K, No WhatsApp)  

Monday, July 15, 2024

WebVeta has been accepted into, actual details not finalized yet!


My Software as a Service (SaaS) product, WebVeta, has been accepted into is a venture capitalist firm with a strong track record of supporting startup founders.

I am the founder of ALight Technology and Services Limited (UK) and ALight Technologies USA Inc (USA). I am excited about this opportunity to tap into's resources and network. Through the weekly founder discussions, I look forward to learning from peers, seeking potential partnerships, and expanding my professional network.

I would like to extend my gratitude towards for this opportunity and recognition of WebVeta's potential. I am eager to leverage these experiences to drive growth and innovation in my venture.

In addition to this milestone, I would like to express my appreciation to various organizations that have supported me throughout my entrepreneurial journey, including Microsoft for Startup Founders, NASSCOM 10000, Codeium (Although not directly related to my startup, great free coding assistant), NATWEST Accelerator UK[KA1] , and


Stay tuned for updates on WebVeta's progress and future developments.

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

+44-33-3303-1284 (Preferred number if calling from U.K, No WhatsApp)  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

What to expect in the next 2 – 3 weeks from WebVeta?


This morning I made social media post on my personal Facebook, Threads, Instagram, LinkedIn and my startup’s Facebook, LinkedIn. Here is an official blog post.

Lot of internal development and progress happening in WebVeta. The next 2 – 3 weeks are going to have publicly accessible but closed preview of 2 new features and some architectural design changes for improving the availability of the search API.

Based on time availability an enhanced version of the features might be available but no guarantees yet. i.e two new features are getting added, the enhanced version can be considered as a third feature.

Why closed preview?

Sometimes generative A.I gets some things wrong and generates wrong / funny outputs.

There was a “blooper” in the keywords extraction feature introduced over a month ago.

Regarding scalability, web portal gets used by owners of websites but they want the search on the website(s) to be highly available. A slightly different architecture is being planned in the search API that removes dependencies between certain servers and replicates some data to different types of data stores, thus improving the availability and even certain other tasks that get synched later i.e outage of certain components wouldn’t cause a outage of Search API.

Stay tuned, more exciting features and releases are planned over the next several months.

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

+44-33-3303-1284 (Preferred number if calling from U.K, No WhatsApp)  

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day United States of America! WebVeta minor updates.

Happy Independence Day United States of America!


July 4th 2024 marks 1 year of WebVeta public preview. Thhe past 1 – 2 hours there have been an update and the update didn’t go well. Parts of the updated features were turned off i.e certain settings enable certain features. Those settings were turned off. What was shown from within VPN network on July 26th has been made publicly available with some restrictions and some security enhancements. But there were some issues, so certain settings were turned off. This is still a preview feature, not generally available yet. But one step closer, there is a security feature that was implemented and the security feature definitely seems working well. Some other features had issues. There has been a database issue and tomorrow, there might be a small downtime for fixing the issue.

Expect more features and enhancements over the next few weeks and months. July 4th 2024’s release forms the basis for another feature, that’s going to be implemented in 1 – 2 months.

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

+44-33-3303-1284 (Preferred number if calling from U.K, No WhatsApp) 


WebVeta update 27/07/2024 has a concept known as building in public and making announcements in public every week for self-accountability.   What I d...