Friday, December 31, 2021

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

      Wishing every one a happy new year! 2021 has been a very slow year but 2021 is the launch year! Due to visa restrictions, the progress has been slow but consistent! Several products are in the pipeline - free, commercial, value-added. Several security-related measures are being implemented. A separate blog post about security features and may be few blog posts / videos with some of the implementation details would be posted. This is so that other people can be alert, other small businesses can secure their own infrastructure. I have some plans of making some free seminars also to help people secure web accounts. Hopefully, I will gain some business either for consulting, development or hosting.

     There is very narrow scope of not moving back to India, but cannot confirm anything. If there are any updates, I will certainly make an announcement / blog post.

     Stay safe from online hackers and propagandists with malicious intent.

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Moving to India!

Moving to India!

As most of you might have known, I started ALight Technology And Services Limited while on student visa in London, United Kingdom. For whatever technical reasons, my Graduate Route Visa was not processed in time. I have waited 4 months, and I am waiting another 3 weeks. Irrespective of what happens I am planning to move to India on January 15th. If my Graduate Route Visa gets approved meanwhile, I will come back to London in February. If not, I will stay in India!

I don't have any clients yet, because the business is not fully operational yet because of the visa restrictions. But once I move back to India, I won't have any restrictions and my sole focus would be my business. As of now, I am operating the business as a single person due to visa restrictions. But starting February, I might consider hiring some people.

ALight Technology And Services Limited has an equality and diversity policy. I believe in talent. Irrespective of background, ethnicity, religion, culture, country, ALight Technology And Services Limited welcomes talented individuals.

With that said, moving to India is just a very small setback in the bigger picture. But, in today's modern connected world, operating from India is not a problem and will never be a problem. If my Graduate Route Visa gets approved, it would be great and I can try to rapidly expand in United Kingdom and in India!

I will try to catch up with some of you people by attending another one or two business networking events here in London before January 15th.

Moving to India!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Zero downtime server migration completed!

Zero downtime server migration completed!

There has been some server maintenance and server migration for,, few other static webpages and redirects. All of these were now consolidated and hosted on the same web server. After the new website was launched, for 2 - 3 days, there were 2 servers running. Now the web servers have been migrated and consolidated. And all of this has been done with absolutely no downtime. My websites are monitored by two different 3rd party web monitoring services. The entire migration process took about 1.5 hours, but successfully completed with absolutely no downtime. The requests are either routed to the old server or the new server. Now all traffic is routed to the new server and the old server has been shutdown.

Zero downtime server migration completed!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

New Home Page Launched!

New Home Page Launched!

The updated home page has been launched. The newer version is much sleeker from the payload perspective, number of web requests needed and looks less cluttered compared to the previous version of the website. All the content has been migrated and even a little bit of new content has been added.

New Home Page Launched!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Beta of homepage launched

Beta of homepage launched

The beta of the homepage is launched. The beta is a slicker version of the current website. The beta is available at: The main URL would be updated on or before Christmas! Happy Christmas and New Years! 

Beta of homepage launched

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Beta of new website almost ready!

Beta of new website almost ready! 

Due to certain reasons beyond my control, (as a matter of fact, most of the people do not even the reasons) the planned updates to the primary website hosted at have been slightly delayed. The internal beta is almost complete (only accessible from VPN, I opened to general public for some time earlier today for running some security scans). 

If things go without interruption, the production launch would be on or before Christmas!

For the time-being project management portal, customer service portal are going to be delayed slightly. There are some plans for 2022, both from client communication perspective and product launches perspective. The tentative dates for new products, features are not yet decided, but an internal roadmap of a plethora of free / commercial / customer experience enhancing products are planned. As always, this blog would be the primary means of communication.

I have some plans of educating the general public on how to secure web / email accounts via blog posts and planning some free webinars in 2022. As always, striving for the betterment of humanity and excellence.

Once again, beware of the impersonators, use the Contact form for any employment verification related enquiries. As of now, one person company. You can contact me on FaceBook / LinkedIn or using the contact form / sending email to / If you are tech enthusiast / entrepreneur / in general if you want to talk about anything related to tech, contact me. I always like talking about intellectual / techie things.

Stay safe! Happy holidays! Merry Christmas and new years!

Beta of new website almost ready!

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Sleeker version of the website coming soon!

 Sleeker version of the website coming soon!

An updated, sleeker version of the website is coming soon. The website would have a cleaner look, the down-time is expected to be minimal (less than an hour) and would be during nonpeak hours.

Expect a less cluttered, minimalistic style of website.

Wrapping up the beta soon!

Custom helpdesk management solution, custom project management portal are also in the works and would be rolled out in the next few weeks!

The blog would continue to be hosted on blogger, one of the planned tasks to migrate to own servers, but a little lower priority task! 

Sleeker version of the website coming soon!

Disappointment and Exciting News! WebVeta about to launch its Highly-Anticipated Search Engine for WebSites

  Friends, Partners, and Future Customers,     I thank Microsoft for Startup Founders, NASSCOM 10000.      I am thrilled to announce that ...