Thursday, September 8, 2022

Coming Soon PodDB - A search engine for podcasts!

Coming Soon PodDB - A search engine for podcasts!

Cross post -

PodDB - A search engine for podcasts.

This project is for podcast listeners. A simple and free podcast search engine. The project as of now, would not have any monetization features.

There is a long roadmap, based upon traction the features in the roadmap would be implemented.

Current Status: development

Planned Alpha towards the end of September with 200 – 300 popular podcasts. Beta with about 2500 – 3000 popular podcasts, Production with over 4 million podcasts.

I know the spykar erra diwakar, whoever is an “is”, “tu”, “bs”, "eka", several other "kalyan's", mukesh, female identity thieves by the first name of “Kanti”, the UVAS = Uttam + sriniVAS, the thota’s, bandhavi, zinnabathuni would do source code theft, IP theft, may be even parallel coding.

But they don’t matter, because I am implementing this project out of love for development and to expand my own personal knowledge and hands-on experience. In this particular project, I would be working on SOLR, a certain enterprise search technology I have not used yet in my 12+ years of I.T experience.

Project Page - PodD

Kanti Kalyan Arumilli



Coming Soon PodDB - A search engine for podcasts!

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