
Saturday, October 21, 2023

WebVeta update coming soon!

 The next version of WebVeta coming soon in 4 - 5 days. This version has no changes in the front-end web portal nor the search results.

This update is a major backend update. The backend processing engine becomes scalable, eliminates some bottlenecks, enhanced performance, capable of handling priority indexing for future premium clients similarly capable of handling near-real-time updates, sitemaps, RSS feeds. A major update for the future of WebVeta but no visible updates.

The next few months are going to have plenty of updates.

I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).


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