Tuesday, June 28, 2022

One year in review!

One year in review!

     It's been slightly over an year since I have registered ALight Technology And Services Limited in London, United Kingdom. Yes, the company was registered on 22nd June 2021, just before I (Kanti Kalyan Arumilli - Founder & CEO) graduated from M.B.A at Hult International Business School, London. My sincere thanks to the government of United Kingdom. In 2020, when I tried registering a company in India, after the soft launch of my voice to text transcription product built on a open source text transcription engine known as Kaldi, the company registration details were changed by the spies. Further down this post, you can read about the gutless, shameless, coward, terrorist, traitor R&AW spies. 

    And one simple and straightforward question to India and India's R&AW terrorist organization - Why would a diplomat come to United Kingdom to impersonate, help with identity theft of another Indian citizen, and harass an Indian citizen on a student visa and currently on Graduate Route Visa? Try answering this question to know what kind of a terrorist organization R&AW is and what kind of a terrorist country India is. When did impersonating, identity theft, harassment, and defamation of an Indian citizen become diplomacy? What is India trying to cover up? Diplomats, student visas and tourists are the visa's used by the dirty dozen plus rogue R&AW agents.

    SORRY! NO NEGOTIATION WITH THE TERRORIST ORGANIZATION - R&AW! No bribes would be accepted nor any ransom would be paid.

     And yes, I am open for working a normal 9 - 5 job and have been applying for jobs. My resume can be found at https://www.alightservices.com/resume/, and downloadable pdf version. And to the best of my knowledge, these R&AW terrorist bastards are submitting modified resumes to hurt my employment prospectives. In other words the R&AW terrorists have stolen identities, gamified identity theft, harassed, violated human rights, tried to hack, did espionage and now trying to hurt employment prospectives. That's why I call them left-bottom mindset who have absolutely nothing good to do with their pathetic life.

     Year 1 has been painful from a financial perspective with absolutely £0 in revenue. There were absolutely 0 clients, 0 interns, 0 other employees. There are few minor achievements though. The list of achievements include:

1) SimplePass - MVP (Minimum Viable Product): A privacy-focused free password manager PWA. Fully functional and the first of it's type in the world. Does not even prompt or collect email addresses. We are accustomed to signing up with emails or logging in with Facebook / Google - in other words still emails. But in a certain way, SimplePass is an example that certain products do not need any user sign-ups to be functional. There is a huge roadmap for SimplePass but all product development activity is on hold due to certain reasons, the reasons are mentioned below in this post.

2) Home-Built monitoring and alerting solution - Thanks to this implementation, a potential breach was avoided by terminating a hacker's attempt within 2 minutes.

2) Microsoft Partner: Getting a partnership with Microsoft and being listed on Microsoft as a service provider.

3) CyberEssentials License Number – IASME-CE-027447 - As an I.T company it's normal to get security certified. There are more plans in the upcoming year regarding cyber-security.

4) Not necessarily an achievement but registered with the ICO - Information Commissioners Office

Registration number: ZB227444.

5) Membership with BCS – The Chartered Institute For I.T – Membership ID: 995095681

6) Membership with IET – The Institute of Engineering And Technology – Membership ID: 1100983524 MIET

7) Personal and Company Achievement - TOGAF Certified Architect Certification Number: 161459

8) Not necessarily an achievement but Member of FSB –  National Federation of Self Employed & Small Businesses Limited. Membership ID – 51845492

Now a list of disappointments:

1) Not implementing the roadmap of SimplePass.

2) Not winning even one contract in the public sector. I placed several bids in the public sector. May be I should improve my bid writing skills. Compared with the winning bids price point, my bids were either slightly less or of almost equal. So, the problem might be in the actual bid writing or the terrorist organization known as R&AW's (Research And Analysis Wing) negative propaganda. More on this topic later.

3) I have brain-stormed and came up with over a dozen commercial products from low-value proposition to high-value proposition and even distinguishing features from the current market competitors for every planned product, but did not even start on this.

4) In January 2022, there has been a breach, but no malicious activity. Someone was able to login into the company VPN but no harm was done i.e all the logs were reviewed and no harm was done. The VPN was terminated in under 2 minutes of detection. Thanks to my home-built monitoring and alerts solution. The same incident has been reported to the ICO mentioning that no customer data was breached (No customer's yet), however, my personal passwords, VPN .ovpn file were stolen by an anonymous group of hacker R&AW spies - espionage - the reason being they stole from an Indian but regarding a company registered in the United Kingdom or in other words they tried to steal the IP, tried to breach a company registered in the United Kingdom.

Plans for 2022 and beyond:

1) I have one exciting announcement coming up in the month of August. Hopefully helps to win some business.

2) More improvements in the alerting and monitoring internal tools.

3) Implementing NIST CyberSecurity Framework

4) Cannot guarantee in 2022, but either 2022 or 2023, increasing partnership to Silver level with Microsoft in certain offerings. 

High-Level Vision Board of the company looks like this:

Most of the above, would not be implemented anyway because of the R&AW terrorist organizations harassment, human rights violation for cover-up of identity theft. Instead of arresting the rogue R&AW spy, the rest of the R&AW terrorists have decided to harass, violate human rights, precisely like a terrorist organization. That's why I call them left-bottom gravity, as in they are shameless, gutless and downtrodden. They pull other people, their targets into their level. The list of left-bottom gravity is mentioned below, and I personally have no association with them, yet the left-bottom gravity impersonates and tries to use my identity as a shield for their left-bottom loans, and insurance scams, defaults, money-laundering of pim*s, prost*tutes and gigo*os.

Moreover, they are useless for the country and the society. Black money laundering - no taxes, loan defaulters - burden on the society, communist/socialist mentality - against capitalism and work, because of their fake propaganda and stupidity - lesser income and lesser taxes for governments. Ultimately, they have become a plague on society and a burden on society in other words - left-bottom gravity.

Hatred Group and my opinion about them:

1) The R&AW spies are a hatred group. Some rogue R&AW coward agent stole my identity and probably wants to exit R&AW and now tries to frame me as someone else. He must be a free happy pariah and an absolute coward because he is stealing identities using his shadowing skills instead of being patriotic to India.

2) They are for all practical purposes like bottom gravity. First thing they don't have a growth mindset, and whomever they target (in this case me), they won't allow the person to grow because their shield would get exposed. 

Who on planet earth would change identities? - Intelligence, Terrorists, loan defaulters. Important - Intelligence would use an under-cover identity only temporarily, would not steal identities and would not harass for several years.  

So, these bastards are terrorists who violated human rights by harassing, and begged for ransom (Because I consider them a terrorist organization if I pay ransom that would be terrorist financing). I mean literally, they demanded, I would say begged for ransom. What's different from begging and demanding? The approach is different and in both cases they are trying to get away with free money. I am not part of them and I wouldn't be part of them. Let's see how long these people would beg from how many people for mere TEA application - $900,000. If they had to beg for over 5 years for $900,000 can their business survive for two years and can they grow their business two years? Or would they end up doing some major scam to make their TEA whatever business survive? What if they violated human rights for begging ransom for the so-called TEA application / insurance scam / identity theft scam / green card scam / illegal immigration scam / black money laundering via prostitution scam? How much desperate are they that they are violating human rights just for surviving? And whatever their Youtube channel and whatever their LINE group are full of lies by the spies and shadows who act / enact / impersonate and handle deliveries of other people. Aren't the impersonator's with impersonator syndrome trying too hard? And no, those are not white lies, those lies are malicious causing human rights violation, mental and physical harm and damage including few murder attempts. That's the precise reason why I call the Indian R&AW spies are terrorists, R&AW is a terrorist organization and India is a terrorist country.


ALight Technology And Services Limited is not associated with the following list of people, some of them I have known in the past, but I don't consider them as my friends any longer, not after human rights violation and not after so many lost opportunities.

Not associated with:

1) Anyone with a surname starting with E - Erra or whatever and Erra Kareem / Karan / Kamal / Kamalakar / Diwakar / Karunakar / Sowmya / Sowjanya.

2) Any female with the name of Sowjanya, except for one very special person who is still legally my wife, although we broke up 3 years ago due to the above-mentioned terrorist organization.

3) There is no one by the name of Arumilli Srinivas or Arumilli Uttam in my own family.

4) Anyone by the name of Uttam or Bandhavi of whatever surname.

5) Anyone by the surname of Thota.

6) Any female with a first name of "Kanti" - R&AW terrorist and identity thief.

7) Code words of terrorists by the code words of "a", "o", "ok", "okay", "already", "again", "e", "eka", "e", "so", "tu", "os - order sl*t?".

8) Any terrorist organization or organized crime outfits by the name of "Hukum" / "All" / "Order" / "R&AW".

9) Any of the following named females - Bhattaru Sowjanya, Zinnabathuni Sowjanya, C Sowjanya, E Sowjanya, E Sowmya.

The above-mentioned list might impersonate/shadow me, and harass me but I am not them, not part of their terrorist organization - R&AW. Irrespective of how much pressure and harassment I am going through, I won't join hands with the terrorist organization. My integrity, morals, and core values are still intact and these bastards were unable to even create a dent.

ALight Technology And Services Limited and its founder Mr. Kanti Kalyan Arumilli (me, myself) have zero tolerance towards terrorism, human rights violations, terrorist financing and black money laundering.

One year in review!

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