Monday, July 1, 2024

WebVeta Update: Free Tier Still Available, Premium Features Coming Soon


As of July 2nd 2024, generous free signup period for WebVeta has come to an end. However, I am happy to announce that free tier remains available for new signups, offering a range of valuable features.

BTW, there are some gutless, shameless br*thels associated India’s spies. The comedy of the situation, they are gutless. They probably did money laundering. They are traitors because they use their espionage skills for stealing identities and framing the target. I am harassed and framed by such a gutless, shameless group and because they are gutless, they even try to defame. In reality they are just shameless, low self-esteem, low life br*thels who peep into bedrooms and bathrooms. They even enact family members and virtual stories of affairs, because they nor their family members don’t have any self-respect. They are j*st br*thel sl*ts and p*mps. They have some invisible spying drone equipment capable of mind-reading, speakers and cameras. They use the equipment for identity theft, identity distortion, hacking, enacting, peeping, black mailing etc... They even do sub-liminal messaging. For all practical purposes they have violated human rights, committed very grave crimes and should be considered as terrorists.


WebVeta free tier includes full-text search capabilities for up to 500 web pages, with 50,000 search requests per month. Additionally, some customization options. This tier is well-suited for small to medium-sized websites that require a solid foundation for their search functionality.


Premium tiers are going to be introduced soon. These tiers will offer A.I.-based features, additional integrations, and other advanced capabilities. You can choose which features you need and pay only for what you use, or opt for our tiered pricing structure to enjoy a comprehensive package at an affordable price.


Some premium features are already available, with more being rolled out in the coming weeks. Expect payment methods integration in two months. If you're interested in using premium features earlier, please send an email -


I am committed to making premium features and pricing as accessible as possible. While I haven't finalized, the tier plans yet, I am anticipating offering a range of options that will cater to different needs and budgets.


Stay tuned for further updates on premium features and pricing. I am excited about the opportunities these new offerings will bring to users of WebVeta."


I don’t have any fake aliases, nor any virtual aliases like some of the the psycho spy R&AW traitors of India. NOT associated with the “ass”, “es”, “eka”, “ok”, “okay”, “is”, erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra, zinnabathuni, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998 – 2002, not anymore – if he joined Mafia), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998 – 2002, if he joined Mafia), erra, erra, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s or Arumilli srinivas or Arumilli uttam(may be they are part of a different Arumilli family – not my Arumilli family).

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  Friends, Partners, and Future Customers,     I thank Microsoft for Startup Founders, NASSCOM 10000.      I am thrilled to announce that ...